reminded of the situation. -Miss S.B., California.
REVIEW EDITOR: I am interested in becoming a member of your Society and will be glad to send you fifteen dollars by return mail if you will give me the address of either the New York or Philadelphia Chapter. I would like to attend lectures and discussion groups. I am a teacher in secondary schools with a un iversity and a graduate degree. If you would like to know more about my back-
ground before granting my request, please
indicate same...I have purchased your Review frequently and find it a very stimulating and well-written publication. You are rendering a splendid public service. More power to you.-Mr. P.S., Md. REVIEW EDITOR: Enclosed please find my small contribution of $15.00. Our Society is as vital as life itself and must survive always to save the people on this earth. I wish I was financially well off, and I know that Matta chine would not be in financial difficulty if I were.-Mr. H.B., New York.
GENTLEMEN: We are retuming the last issue of your magazine received at this hospital, addressed to the "Emotional Maturity Society." As this group is no longer in existence, we suggest you cancel any remaining subscription, and remove the hospital from your mailing list. Very truly yours,-Harold A. Schmitz, Administrative Assistant, For: G. Lee Sandritter, M.D, Superintendent Medical Director, Atascadero State Hospital, California,
REVIEW EDITOR: Enclosed is my per sonal check in the amount of $15.00 for which please establish a Supporting Membership in my name. Permit me to thank you for your thoughtfulness in sending me copies last May of the "Art icles of Incorporation," "What Does Mattachine Do? Publications Catalog," and the various membership blanks. At that timel had written to you requesting the then current last two issues of
the Mattachine REVIEW. I wish that I had been able earlier to apply for membership in the Mattachine Society...Mr. W.L., Texas.
REVIEW EDITOR: I have received your address and information of your Society from an intimate friend. Was wondering if some literature concerning the Society could be forwarded to me here in Vancouver... Mr. J.S., British Columbia.
REVIEW EDITOR: A friend of mine has told me of your magazine. I would be much obliged if you could tell me something about it and how I might obtain it.-M.C.P, Southern Rhodesia.
REVIEW EDITOR: I newly read your advertisement and just want to know how to get a sample of your magazine and what the subscription fee is.-L.K., Sweden..
REVIEW EDITOR: WBAI is rebroadcast-
ing your program of 1958. I am interest-
ed in your publication(s) on homosexuality and would like to receive them. Could you please let me know more about this and how I can receive them.
Also would like to know more about the organization itself.-Miss B.C., N.Y.
REVIEW EDITOR I am very much int erested in the furthering of your aims and purpose and would appreciate it if you could please send me the names and subscription prices of your publications concerning sexual minorities in our society. Mr. D.A., Ontario.
REVIEW EDITOR: Would you please for ward to the above address any available information in regard to the Mattachine Society.-MR. K.C., British Columbia.
One, Inc., 2256 Venice Blvd., Los An.geles 6, California.
Daughters of Bilitis, Inc., 1232 Market St., San Francisco 2, California. Mattachine Society of New York, 1133 Broadway, New York 10, NY. Hollywood Assistance League, P.O. Box 29048, Hollywood 29, Califomia
League for Civil Education, Inc., 1154 Kearny Street, San Francisco 11, Calif. Demophil Center, 15 Lindall Place, Boston 14, Massachusetts. Homosexual League of New York, P.O. Box 318, New York 9, New-York. Janus Society, P.O. Box 7824, Philadelphia 1, Pennsylvania.
Dionysus, P.O. Box 382, Fullerton, California.
Mattachine Society of Washington, P.O. Box 1032, Washington 1, D.C.
mattachine REVIEW
(Continued from page 2)
Simple: There's nothing left to try to shake down. There will be no more or no less homosexuality and sex deviation. But there will be infinitely greater use of human resources and spreading of happiness and
One may disagree with some of Mr. Schlegel's conclusions, but after reading his article in this issue, one could hardly continue to believe that homosexuals are unique security risks.
Dr. John Robinson, 43-year-old Anglican Bishop of Woolwich in England recently called for a drive to end "a blot of our justice-an utterly medieval treatment of homosexuals."
These words and the following
comment were headlined on BBC newscasts and in the British press, because they came from a sermon delivered in Canterbury Cathedral. "The Wolfenden Committee re commended, by a majority of 12 to 1 that homosexual behavior between consenting male adults in private should no longer be a criminal of fense. Yet, after five years, nothing has been done about it. Even in cases involving minors, we go on imposing prison sentences unworthy of a civilized, let alone a Christian, country."
The Bishop, a father of four children, added: "The political parties are scared of espousing the cause for fear of losing votes. Yet I be
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